This one is simple: let's use the existing EAZ assets to create am amazing 8v8 (or 10v10) Crucible map.
Think about it- we don't really have any long range maps like we used to have in D1, which is part of the reason shotguns and hand cannons feel so overwhelmingly powerful. If most of the maps in the rotation are three-lane CCB experiences, then of course shotgun play will be rewarded.
The EAZ not only offers itself as a much larger map, but it also has something Destiny hasn't explored yet: verticality and diversity. You have rooftops with cover for snipers and scout rifles. You have building interiors for SMGs and shotguns. You've got quasi-open streets for generic gunplay. The EAZ, I believe, could offer an insanely fun Crucible experience for not only Clash and Control, but even modes like King of the Hill or perhaps an Attack and Defend style mode. I mean, you could section the map off with various areas giving whichever team holds that area a unique buff such as intermittent wall hacks, or faster-than-normal health regeneration. Depending on the game mode, these areas would become more or less valuable, and as such it would help to spread out the battle. Or, you could just make the sections that so long as you have Guardians in them, you get more points per kill. All it would take is two Guardian to hold it, but that way you could spread out the fight and make the gameplay more tactical depending on what the situation is at the time.
Imagine, you're a Void Hunter taking advantage of invisibility to move across the rooftops to get to the perfect window to snipe down on an objective from. You have your Titan friend meet you in the building where they can watch the street around you and cover your flank while you defend the objective. Meanwhile, above the main courtyard a top-tree Dawnblade Warlock is looking for your position all while dealing with fire from the rooftops opposite of you. In the parking garage an intense close-range skirmish is going down while each team is battling to either defend or take the flag/bomb/whatever. In the main courtyard, Guardians battle it out for control of the central hub of the map to gain extra points per kill.
The EAZ is a really cool area, and I feel if we morphed it into a Crucible map it would not only breathe life into the map itself, but also offer something very different and unique to the Crucible game mode, which we can all agree is in desperate need for some new life.
I’ll take ANY new pvp map at this point.