Fantasy, though I usually prefer them to have some level of technology. You might be thinking “Oh, that’s sci-fi fantasy”, but not necessarily. The tech could be modern, or even a little bit dated (such as, I dunno, 1940s tech or something). Of course, it [i]can[/i] be sci-fi fantasy, but crucially I like tech to not be the focus. I just like when it’s there. Legend of Korra, or Dishonored for instance. I think you should have put “Punk” as a single genre, instead of divying it up between steampunk & cyberpunk. Both are subsets of sci-fi, along with dieselpunk and similar things. Out of all the punk genres, steampunk is my favorite, especially when they have airships. Love me some steampunk airships! Sci-fi can be fun, but I prefer it to be terrestrial. That’s not to say inter-planetary travel can’t exist, but I definitely prefer when the plot is primarily on one planet. Too many sci-fi stories have the characters planet hopping, or worse, dimension hopping (eugh), and it’s just never as interesting when things are based on a single planet. Being primarily in space is fine, too. As long as it’s not going between a bunch of different planets for the sake of it. Never seen anything too neat with alternative history, but I’ve also never looked.