My clan roster is broken. It doesn’t show 90% of my clan online. Maybe 2-3 at most of 70 people.
I’ve reinstalled the game multiple times and nothing.
If a online player that’s appearing offline on my roster joins me, they become online. But only while they are in my fire team. Once they leave they go back to being offline again.
Can someone look into my account please? I feel like this is an issue beyond my capacity to fix.
Hi there. This is currently a [b][u]known issue on [i]PlayStation[/i], [/u][/b]and Bungie is investigating. Stay tuned to [b][u]@BungieHelp on Twitter[/u][/b] for live updates. Please view the [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/49651]Known Issues List[/url] for other known issues and vital information. A fix is expected to accompany the launch of CrossPlay on or after the launch of Season 15 on August 24. [spoiler]Source: Responses by Bungie Community Managers to community social media posts.[/spoiler]