Can we at least get a date on when these are going to be fixed? I don’t remember the last time actual weapon drops were bugged and they took this long to fix. What’s the issue? Can you let us know what’s going on?
No negativity please. Just positive discussion and/or information. Thanks
Update: THEY FIXED IT!! Looks like they do care after all! Bungie stays winning
[quote]Can we at least get a date on when these are going to be fixed? [/quote] Bungie has never given a set time in 7 years to when things like this will be fixed, and that is even if they will fix them. Their answer has always been sometime later in other words and even mentioning it is a flip of a coin when it comes to their TWAB'S. Have they fixed the weapons that stop firing in the middle of a clip that has been an issue since the game launched?