Absolutely absurd.
In pvp.
Definitely think it would be interesting to test out special scav being ineffective in PvP. Less power fantasy and potential for flashy moments, but it might make PvP flow a lot better. The only issue I can think of is that it may become kind of flukey if you have ammo or not, and losing a fight because you don't have ammo and therefore being punished for being alive for longer than your enemy could be frustrating. At least now you can count on everyone having ammo at all times so it is more fair, but at one shot per brick you run into the potential issue of killing someone and winning a fight, but not having enough ammo to win the next fight so you are at a disadvantage while your opponent spawns with two shots. So you are likely to lose the fight, because you won the previous one. Does not make sense, you should be rewarded for winning rather than punished or put at a disadvantage. Also, if scav was taken out of PvP, special bricks would need to be shared between teammates. Way too much potential for getting griefed by randoms who hog special bricks. I personally think the better solution is buffing primaries and leaving the special economy alone. Put 140s back to 150, give autos pulses and scouts a bunch of blanket buffs, make it so that people can count on their primaries. Special weapons are only so good because primaries are so weak. That is just my opinion though, and if the special economy ends up being the focus instead then I don't mind.