Mine has to be Chuck the Evil Sandwich Making Guy. He’s a villain I can really connect with.
Idk his name, the ahole with the scar from Casino Royale.
Edited by Double07: 7/29/2021 8:52:29 PMThe Planet
I’d say Thrawn, but he’s actually less of a villain and more of an antagonist. That’s just how big brain he is. I’ve gotta say Sauron, if only because he canonically rap battled Finrod Felagund to death.
the plan
Your Holy Statueness Who Laughs [spoiler]HAIL HYDRA!!!!!!!!!!![/spoiler]
[i]Gul Dukat from Deep Space Nine. I prefer it when villains have nuance, and think they are right.[/i]
The Mayor in Buffy. Also Bester in Babylon 5 played by Walter Koenig. Both are well-rounded characters instead of the usual, I'm evil, just because!
Edited by Centaur-1: 7/31/2021 4:26:26 AMThe worst one for sure is The Master of The Valley. It enslaved innocent creatures. Not sure about my favorite. Probably Morgana from Tales of Arcadia.
Sauron, Loki, Venom, the Predator, the Forerunners. Don't read if you anger easily: [spoiler]Kylo Ren[/spoiler]
Tom Nook.
Frieza or Goku Black. [spoiler]uwu[/spoiler]
General Zod, Man of Steel Say what you will about the film, but I really like how they made him a “righteous” villain, trying to save his people the only way he knew how.
Edited by The Spoken: 7/29/2021 3:48:50 PMNurse Ratched, One flew over the C[i]uc[/i]koo's Nest
Edited by pumpkinspice1994: 7/31/2021 2:03:45 AMThe villain from Batman Begins I forget his name he was played by Liam Nesson Edit: his name is [b]Ra’s AI Ghul[/b]
loki ofcourse
The Patriots and joker
Walter White.
Pre-Shippuden Orochimaru, or rather, pre-Shinobi war Orochimaru. Dude was dangerous, strong, uncanny if not plain creepy, and incredibly smart. Hate what they did to him towards the end of the series though.
C. Montgomery Burns
Daniel LaRusso