Bungie I do not understand why you want to impose a limit on us to acquire transmogs for our armor. Or at least I do but I want to give you the benefit of the doubt. So in order, here are the problems with the current state of Transmog, and following that are the simple solutions to make it more accessible.
1. Still too many currencies/steps to acquire transmogs.
2. Bounties are lengthy/tedious.
3. Forced limitation on how many transmogs we can acquire per season by you. Not a technical limitation, just an annoying stopgap created and imposed upon us by you.
1. Remove the Armor Synthesis materials. If you can remove Synthstrand, you can remove this too. Also the Synthweave Strap, Plate and Bolt should be replaced with a universal currency, i.e. just make it so Bounties reward Synthweave Templates. One currency for all classes. No need to separate everything and make us grind 3x as much.
2. Make Bounties more generic and open for players. I understand that you think transmoging our armor should be something that we have PRIDE AND ACCOMPLISHMENT about, but its not. Just let us have ease of access to change our look.
3. Remove the limit of 10 Bounty completions per season. Bungie I know you want our money. Do not lie. That is why you imposed a limit on us. Very few players I know like this limit. And by very few, I mean literally 2. And one of them is probably Luke Smith, as it means more cash in his pocket. But I digress, by imposing said limit on us, you are limiting us on our choices on which armor sets we complete as transmogs. Not fun. I want the freedom of owning every armor set in a cosmetic form. If you remove the limit, its an easy win. And guess what, there will still be people willing to shell out some cash to you in exchange for transmogs. Why? Because some people just do that. You won't be losing much, if at all.
Hopefully dmg_04 or even Cozmo sees this. I just want one of my favorite games to improve.
I just ignore the whole system, I won't be bothered with a system that is so obviously designed to push Eververse sales.