I love reading trivia on some of my favorite movies, games, tv shows, anime, etc. What are some of your favorite pieces of trivia? Ones that surprised or shocked you? Doesn't matter.
In Skullgirls, Parasoul has a move where she radios a sniper to shoot her opponent, while saying the phrase “Take the shot, Number 13.”. Number 13’s actual name is Juju. They were a fan made character that the devs were going to going to make canon, and even potentially playable. Ultimately, though, the fan who created her wound up causing some legal drama, preventing her from landing on the DLC character vote, and after breaking a non-disclosure agreement, all direct references of Juju were removed from the game. Her new codename, Number 13, is in reference to her sniper rifle; the Gorgon-13. It is the only reference to her that still exists, and Juju herself is now most likely non-canon (though we never meet Parasoul’s sniper, so it’s possible she still is). I personally will never understand that fan. If I ever loved a game enough to make a fan-made character then the devs actually wanted to put them in the game, I’d be squealing with excitement, not causing legal drama to get them removed.