on the morning before you begin your investigation of the origins of new affliction, many lurkers and denizens are still well "sick". Those who have recovered seem better and able to help, but suffer serious persisting conditions.
You have felt none, as one of the Users your Life is immortal, except in 1 way, you can only die in battle, so you are faced with a choice; do nothing and survive regardless, or become the Hero Offtopia needs. What wisdom you have tells you that in this Land: subtlety is a weapon used first. The affliction emanates from somewhere.
As you pass by the dead neatly stacked in the streets, the first responders and detail folk eye you suspiciously, but you ignore their accusatory gazes. The sun rises and you here calling in the distance, a man shouting for assistance.
As you approach, you see him cradling a young boy, his eyes beg you for help, he explains that the boy is sick with the affliction, but he is not getting better,
Do you agree to help the man?
.......Or do you have better things to do?
The boy's skin is mottled and clammy looking, red sores bleed from various locations on his head.
His breathing is labored and his eyes spinny wildly, looking at nothing. The fathers skin appears to be beginning to mottle in the same way.
The father begs you, BEGS you... help his son.
But you had planned to patrol the city for trouble...
what do you do?
Eat him. Jk [i]Void looks at the kid with both pity and disgust. Inside their head an argument is raging[/i] "Demon, there has to be something we can do! Look out how badly he's suffering!" [b]"I can see that. Yet this is only one out of a city of hundreds of dying people. We can do nothing, if you'll take my advice you'll put him out of his misery."[/b] "You know I can't do that." [i]They ask the father if they know of anything that can be done.[/i]