You don’t want Anarchy to be the “go to” weapon all the time. I understand that.
But what [b]YOU[/b] need to understand Bungie, is that the Overload champions in Gm Nightfall and Master VoG are damn near un-killable without it.
They only stun for like 3 seconds, they take WAY too long to be vulnerable to getting stunned again, they regen health ridiculously fast and they drop us in 2 shots or less.
If you are going to nerf our best weapon against overloads, then you need to nerf them so we can actually stand a chance against them without it.
The only reason I played GM this season is because of Anarchy and breach and clear. I am an older gamer coming up on 60 and this gave me the confidence to run GM. If they nerf Anarchy I am probably quitting. PVP is an awful mess and if I can't do the top tier events without being completely worn out at the end why bother. I am also so tired of the cycle of getting used to weapons and then Bungie says we rely on them too much and stomps them into the ground. I agree completely about the OL's it's ridiculous how much they teleport and how quickly they regain their health.