Like, what's wrong with oversized hoodies and why should I have to wear salmon-colored dress shirts? Y'all ever realize most of these fashion showcases have these people walking out wearing furniture? What makes their style better just because they jump on the newest crap? There might have been some bias there, but you know what I mean.
What do you look for in your style? Do you actually ask yourself "Is it trendy?" "Is everyone else wearing this?" or "Is it simple and easy to put on?" "Will this look and fit comfortably regardless if society finds this as "outdated"?"
[quote]What do you look for in your style?[/quote]function, comfort, and temperature regulation [quote]Do you actually ask yourself "Is it trendy?" "Is everyone else wearing this?" or "Is it simple and easy to put on?" "Will this look and fit comfortably regardless if society finds this as "outdated"?"[/quote]the latter two