Hi I’m looking to join a clan after a bit of time off Destiny. I’m mainly pvp but will happily play all activities. As I’m late 20’s I’ve got a few responsibilities, I can’t be on every night, but most nights. I’m on steam and I’m also a videographer so I can make and edit clips of the clan
Hey there. I’d like to invite you to give <Nice Super Nerd> a try. Our clan [n$n] typically plays all content but probably focuses our playtime in the crucible. We will grind out the gear in other playlists, do some raids and nightfalls but once we got the roll we are looking for, it’s back to pvp for us. Most our folks are East Coast in the US and play in the evenings. We ask that guardians have about a 1 kda. That tells us you have some capability in the crucible and more than likely that you play a good amount of time there. If raiding is your thing, cool - we got plenty of that. If nightfalls are you style- cool, there’s a ton of that too. Don’t be discouraged about our pvp emphasis. We play Destiny 2! We do ask that people that join our discord server that will be available upon joining. We try to keep our communication there. Interested? Give <Nice Super Nerd> a try! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=4186341