Getting this error after battleye starts
Windows 7
This has been reported on Windows 8 and 10 as well.
Reinstalls haven't helped, replacing dll hasn't worked, reportedly upgrading to Windows 10 has had some success but also some failures.
Patience is required, but silence isn't
If you're having the same problem, please post here so we can keep the pressure up.
"which system are you having this bug on" poll:
Our issue made it to the top of the issue list in todays TWAB, so we have some progress, however shallow it may be.
Edited by BNGHelp6: 8/30/2021 3:12:13 PMHello. All updates surrounding this issue will be added to this thread:
Fingers crossed? Bungie "fixed" nothing couse after the patch the game still doesnt work and i get error "Entry point not found"
Fingers crossed, for the "supposed fix".
Edited by Evil Alex: 9/8/2021 4:23:48 PM
at some point if we get no answer i spose we'll just have to take this to a more public forum, like twitter
I love Destiny 2 but come on bungie, i want to buy the Witch Queen but you guys are not helping, and by god please test your stuff on win7 (or test better) from now on and fix the cutscenes as well, every cutscene pre beyond light worked just fine so i see no reason why they run at 1 fps after that, and the game not being able to be played is too much, give us any new update on the issue no matter how small, will i have to buy the next expansion just to see the game not working on W7 again? Cause if you're going to stop supporting the system, please tell us 1 year in advance.
Edited by adeke: 8/27/2021 7:36:46 PMThank you very much , BUNGIE! I returned home after a long work, turned on the PC to relax and relieve stress with friends. Thanks again for a lovely evening and an even more lovely weekend awaiting me. Regards, ps. Win 7. pss. 3413 hours
Edited by kAMEEhAMEE: 8/31/2021 3:04:56 PM@Bungie Still no Fix! Shame on you! Im so fkn Pi.s.s.e..d off! No Sorry nothing from your Site to us Costumers about your hard Failure! Is that the way you treat your customers? IF YES than play your fkn Game alone! regard mad Costumer since D1
Edited by Feltharion: 8/30/2021 5:32:54 PM[b]Everyone, halt![/b] Bungie has made it clear they care about Win 7 users and/or anyone with this issue. And today they created a Topic to keep everything related there, follow up the link:
- BNGHelp 6 has made a new post about the problem
If the fix comes out on Tuesday with a reset, it will be a fiasco, I can't even find the words to describe my disappointment. I will think twice before buying a new add-on
Writing again so people get this up on the list again as bungie have given some updates on the issue. -blam!- tho because no solution yet or any saying on how long it will really take so gg :)) Atleast they have found the issue, i hope..
Time passes, nothing changes, Destiny 2 does not start, it remains to watch how streamers go through activities *(
No ETA yet? Do I really need to partition my storage drive to dualboot new OS and hope I won't get the same message anyway, just to have to repartition the whole drive later because Bungie doesn't even care? this issue isn't something understandable like random conflict or something, it would have been prevented before the build was released if only a massive game developer Bungie did what every 12 year old kid putting together games in flash does, [b][u]try if it launches[/u][/b], since this issue appears to be happening to all win 7 users it proves there wasn't even any real testing done to see if it will run, let alone work properly
So, its Saturday evening … Prime Time here in Germany. Still no Fix in sight, still cant play. It’s great that you gave us updates the last days, no offence. But it would be even greater if you could give us an ETA for when we can play again. I so damn fear that this is slipping down the Prio List even further if you notice that code changing requires a lot of work. Since Win 10 Users can play and you might think: Hell, should the Win 7 Users just upgrade - isnt expensive (only 5 € or so for the Key). But please Bungie, dont let it slide away … there is a reason why lots of us havent moved to Win 10 (for me its the blurry GUI on this OS on my older monitor which causes eye pain - while on Win 7 everythings crisp sharp). Take this for granted and keep going. Give us an ETA. Set yourself an eta that way. The faster you fix this the more time‘s left for all the rest. We are still a supported OS. We deserve priority! Thank you.
I hope there will be compensation of lost time because this isnt fair for anyone who lost time and paid to play this game and not getting to play.
@BNGHelp6 @Bungie how would you describe yourself or call yourself if you were in my position?
I don’t know what to say the game doesn’t start the week is over, I think I don’t have anything buy Eververse, pick up the dust without speaking the raid where I didn’t get Vex Mythoclast who will return the lost week ????
I want to report here that I'm having the same problem as the original poster. Windows 7 Home Premium. Destiny 2 worked great for me (besides cinematic framerate bug) the whole last month up until 1-2 hours before the update on Tuesday, 8/24. I tried verifying integrity of game files through Steam, and that didn't cause any changes. I thought perhaps Battleye wasn't booting properly during Destiny 2 startup, so I tried manually running Battleye during Destiny 2 startup, but I received the same error message. It might be important to note that I get a security popup for my approval when opening Battleye manually. I wonder: could Battleye be rejected during Destiny 2 startup because Windows doesn't allow it without admin permission, and with no Battleye open, the game doesn't launch? Maybe this is causing the failure to launch? It might explain why some people with Windows 7 can play fine while others can't. Perhaps it's a Windows setting? I'm pretty new to Destiny 2. I've really enjoyed playing it since I started a month ago. I am looking forward to playing my first whole season. I bought all the expansions. Thanks for working on this Bungie. I hope you find a solution soon.
Edited by Hassassin: 8/29/2021 9:10:59 AMIt's funny how Bungie took 3 days to figure out what's the real problem regarding 'missing file - not loading game' case! It's funnier watching how experts (knowledgable on software/hardware) are jumping on poor gamers (knows nothing but playing) to educate them how things works!! I'm no where in-between lol I'm more of a users by choice - have multiple OS, picking up the best when anyone is clearly better in performance in time. While couldn't run Destiny on WIN 7 after new season launch trying everything a general gamer should do - went to WIN 10 to check on. Compared game files in both system - all the same in shape and size - nothing missing or extra other than OS SYS files. and playing since then on WIN 10 (took 3 days though) waiting for BUNGIE!!! My observation is how many people are engaged on this issue from Bungie's end and how many PC they're able (!) to use for that? Do you need to be an Expert (!) to figure out it's WIN 7 you ignored in your codes?!? while it runs on WIN 10 under the same specification!?! BUNGIE :(
I don't have this missing file problem,but the game will crash after enter the game 1-2minutes everytime since August 27th。As long as you enter the game,no mater which character you choose,or press F1 ,or transfer to one planet,or you just AFK,the game interface will be stuck for about 5s,and it just quit to desktop automatically with no sign、no error code.It happens everytime without fail. I‘ve tried everything,win10 system, close the Shader Cache, turn off Windows Defender protection and firewall…… P.S The game runs well in August 25、26th,I played all night after the new season update without any error or crash。WHAT did bungie do in August 27th?I didn't see any updates or hotfix……
wow the hardest part finished the ''investigation'', left the easiest fix)
Same here just like everyone else, haven't been able to play since the update, and like the others, reinstalling didn't work. Really hope this gets fixed as soon as possible, and would like some more communication from Bungie adressing this issue
win10,crash,over and over ,i've tried everything,it just stuck and quit automatically after i enter the game 1 or 2 minutes.
This is starting to get redundant now..No answer yet..even the smallest amount of info would be respectful to us. I noticed on Twitter and such this issue is appearing minimal to Bungie, and this is totally unacceptable.