Just wondering if this could be due to the PSN issues yesterday?
I have a fairly reliable internet connection with 500Mbps down and 20Mbps up, connected via ethernet. I certainly don't want to be negatively impacting other players in the Crucible due to a poor connection on my end... And I certainly don't want to face any kind of restriction.
I did notice yesterday that there was a lot of "Contacting Destiny Servers" yesterday, and noticed that on Twitter that there was an issue impacting PSN sign-ins.
Could this be the cause?
I have looked over the Network Troubleshooting Guide, and it appears that my connection is compliant, so I'm not entirely sure what else I could/should do.
Thanks for any help!
Doubtful that’s the cause….as Bungie only issues restrictions for habitually unstable connections. So it’s unlikely that less than a day of problems lead to your warning.