Bro. (Or sis. lol) You gotta stop thinking the way you are thinking. You aren't thinking about the game from any other perspective except your own. You aren't thinking about the People. The ones that are different from you. The ones that look at life differently from you. The millions and millions of casual gamers out there. The ones that might have an hour too spare a day tops or about two or three hours on the weekends to spare for gaming. Or the ones that don't want to take things "seriously" and want to have fun. In a Game. Which is what Destiny 2 is, A Game. You don't realize that Bungie; and any other game company, needs to take into account those casual gamers out there. Because they make up the majority of the customer base.
I'm not belittling you or anything. Lobby balancing should be better. Maps should be better. A bunch of other things should be better. I agree with you on that. But how can that or any of the other problems get fixed if the player-base is nothing but mid-tier players or higher? And all the thousands and thousands of casual players and new players are gone or; like with New Light players that aren't good, step into the Crucible one night for the first time... Get stomped all night long... And never set foot in it again? How can the Crucible be sustainable when probably 70% (or more) of the Possible player-base doesn't set foot in the Crucible? Or gets in it for a very short time and then quits for other games or to just play PvE? How is that sustainable? How is that good for business? It isn't.
That's why CBMM isn't the way too go. It's not completely the problem, but it is definitely not helping anything either. Some of you have said, "People shouldn't expect to jump in and do good right away and have fun." Paraphrased and bit but that's what some of you have said. Maybe they shouldn't but that's not the reality... THEY DO. People are the way they are these days. These casual and new gamers want to Have Fun In Games. Some of you have basically said, "People should get good." Paraphrased a bit again but that's what some of you have said. But the reality; once again, is not what you want it to be. The millions of casual gamers out there usually don't even have time to "get good." Like I said before. They got a few hours a week to play because they are too busy making a living outside of gaming; or whatever else, and they don't have the time to commit to "getting good" at a certain game. And most of them probably don't even want too in the first place.
And these people you Have to take into account. And you can't expect them to change and start thinking the way you are thinking. You can't just think, "Why are these people like this? I'm right! Why can't they just see that and start thinking of it from my point of view and change?" No. You have to put yourself to the side and see the big picture. When you meet people where they are FIRST, and try to under stand them FIRST, then they appreciate it and it makes a difference. Then some of them might actually start wondering, ask you some questions, and start trying to see things from your point of view after the fact. That's how people are. And you have to take into account how Other people are, even in gaming.
That's why I've said what I've said. You gotta look at the big picture and start thinking how to bring back all the casual gamers. And how to keep New Light players in the Crucible instead of leaving after one horrible nights' experience. We NEED these players! We need as many people playing in the Crucible as possible for it to be the most optimal experience it can be. Right now we don't have that. We haven't had it in a LONG time.
That's why people have clamored for the return of some kind of SBMM. It doesn't have to be super strict. It just needs to be Enough. Because at least the few random New Light casual players we do have might actually stick around long enough for more to show up. And if we get enough of these players... Maybe some will play enough to change from casual to more hardcore along the way and actually get better. Some won't, and that's okay. We need ALL of these players. And you; well mostly Bungie, needs to understand these players and what it would take to keep them logging in. Even if it's only a few hours a week. Every little bit helps.
And you sir. (Or ma'am. lol.) You and other players like you should try and at least meet these other types of players where they are and try to understand them and make them feel welcomed. So that maybe they will stay. The more we get back in to the game the better. Then maybe some will return the favor. Then MAYBE we can do other things to make the Crucible better. For everyone.
No, If you want to step into the crucible to just “have fun” then do so and don’t expect to win because at the end of the day you just want to have fun. If you want to play it casually then do so but don’t expect wins. D1 vet here and I had to “git gud” in order to play and I didn’t expect the game to hand me wins. I work, school, and hit the gym so when there is a will there is a way.