I have a warlock character that I made on release year and I’ve gotten back into the game and I tried to play but my guns do 100 to 400 damage and say they are 1100 power witch is the lowest now is there a way that I could power up the gun it is a sunshot?
You can infuse other weapons into the gear you want to be stronger. Inspect your weapon to see possibilities for infusion.
Hi there! You can infuse your weapons and armor with higher light level (when applicable) with Upgrade Modules, which you can obtain by purchasing them from Banshee-44 in the Tower or by ranking up with the various playlist activities (Vanguard Strikes, the Crucible and Gambit). Please note that some weapons and armor cannot be upgraded. These are indicated by having the white corners with the imprint of their seasons. These are sunset pieces of equipment and they cannot be upgraded.