After a hiatus of as many as 10 seasons "The Power Cosmic" seeks to return to the Destiny universe!
We are looking for -
1. Casual working-class folks with families and jobs. We haven't been a hardcore clan as such but do enjoy the occasional challenge depending on the time at hand.
2. Returning players and New Light folks are especially welcome.
3. Guardians who would like to raid, PVP, IB, and trials too!
4. Utilize discord for teaming up and be kind, helpful, and fun to play with in general.
5. Organize our raids via discord events.
We aim to -
1. Raid a lot. Yours truly is adept at most of the raids except for new mechanics in VoG. Looking to learn that soon.
2. Trials and Iron Banner - With the recent changes in trials and IB we will queue into the playlist for sure.
3. Play at your leisure and not find that D2 is your second job.
4. That being said we do aim to be active and any players >15 days inactive will be removed from the roster to keep our clan current and active. BUT you won't be removed from our discord and we will add you back when you return.
5. Have FUN
If interested please reply to this post with your time-zone and whether our theme fits you and we will send you a clan invite and discord link.
Hello I am newish to D2 but play CST. Mostly weekends though. The guild theme fits me perfectly.
Sounds good to me… I’m on Central.
Splitting game time and dad duties can be hard sometimes this deff sounds good to me im EST
Edited by Knowshawn88: 9/17/2021 8:02:34 AMDang this clan sounds great. I’ll check back in October, as no one in my current clan plays anymore. PST.
I’m 100% down for this! Exactly what I’m looking for! My TZ is CST!
Edited by Croaker: 9/17/2021 4:21:35 AMFiller....
Interested, would love to know when the door opens back up!
Hiya, gamer dad here. I play in the Eastern time zone. I am on later in the evenings and throughout the night, I am a day sleeper. Returning after a several-season hiatus.
Edited by daniM00SE: 9/17/2021 1:58:16 AMI’m a mom with other responsibilities as well but I love to play Destiny. I’m active about 3-4 times a week in the Central Time Zone. Also would be totally willing to run you through the new VoG! Super easy!
Sounds like a chill clan to me. I would like to join and shoot things with other people for a change. Central time zone.
I’m on pst and a gamer dad who also works full time. I’m on later in the evening and play on weekends. I’m a solo player but looking to change that when possible
Hi! I'm cst and your theme definitely fits with me. I'm a casual player just getting back into d2. I have done last wish but nothing else so far. I pretty much only do pve with the occasional crucible or gambit if I really need to for a weekly.
Hey I'm a college kid so I know I don't really match who y'all look for. But I really hate the sweaty and competitive community, just wanna have a good time with people online. I do have a cat so dad maybe? 🤷🏼♂️. But besides that I'm really interested in joining. I usually play Destiny atleast once a day after work and classes
Is there a discord link ?
Heya I am a new dad on the US East Coast (EST)! Would love in
UPS driver, US/MST.
Perfect Fit! Husband, dad, bar owner, and active local community member! Still enjoy Destiny, and this sounds like a perfect group! I am down for raids, pvp, dungeons,, IB, and even want to dabble in Trials. Let me know how I can be a part of this group!
Edited by Rashall: 9/16/2021 11:38:05 PMI would like an invite please as this is exactly the sort of clan I'm looking for. Timezone: Central US/Canada.
could i get an invite seems like a fun group i am est usa.
I would like an invite please. I am in Western Canada, MST.
I'm a working-class folk with responsibilities! I currently reside in the PST time zone. I would like to join your clan and see what we can do together.
I'm in, please invite. Eastern time zone on pc
Edited by DoomedRumble8: 9/16/2021 8:46:44 PMI'm interested in joining. AZ time zone. returning player here. haven't done much in the way of raids but really want to grind some out.
I’d be interested in joking the clan.I’m US Eastern Time Zone. I usually play after 9pm
Returning Player looking for clan. If gmt+2 fits to your zones, then invite me please ;-)