EDITED: Hi. Wayfinder’s Voyage Progression requires you to open the parallax trajectory chest. Let’s assume that was an error. To be clear, it is not the consuming of currency that is a problem - since that happens at the HELM when focusing engrams, in much greater quantities - but the fact players must open the parallax trajectory chest in Astral Alignment to move forward in the Wayfinder’s Voyage quest. This is an annoying quirk one could do without.
Yes, please undo that. Maybe I don’t want to open the second chest right now. Perhaps I don’t feel like it. There are countless reasons why I might opt to not consume Parallax Trajectory, none of which should prevent the activity from counting toward Wayfinder’s Voyage quest completion.
And yet…it does. I am Jack’s complete lack of surprise.
Now, I have to repeat an activity that will become incredibly tedious long before the end of February next year, because who knows why. I - and I’m certain anyone else who has encountered this - would be delighted if it changed. I shouldn’t have to open a chest to get junk I don’t want just to check off a quest step. I can understand completing the weekly progression in the Director, but I’m not talking about that: the word “nuance” bolts to mind.
Thank you for your time.