Just curious as to what most people’s favorite enemy types/races are? I personally like them in this order:
1) Vex
2) Hive
3) Fallen
4) Cabal
5) Taken
6) Scorn
I feel like the Taken and ESPECIALLY the scorn are just recycled enemies. We need an entirely new enemy type from the ground up. However, the other enemies are still amazing to me. I feel like the hive have a better lore overall due to their sheer depth, but the Vex and their design/armor looks/areas/atmosphere are just my favorite overall. Just a fellow hunter curious as to what my fellow guardians think/feel on this topic!?!?
How dare you say that about the scorn Yeah, they're built off the base models of the fallen but half of them are entirely unique! The Scorn ravager with its headless body and burning flail The Abomination and it's hulking electric blasts The screeb and it's skittering explosions The scorn have such a cool look and aesthetic. The body horror mixed with their scrapped together kitbashed environments are so cool to me! I LOVE THE SCORN