Dear Bungie,
Please bring back SBMM. At least as an option. It's so disheartening to have a new light friend(s) to be so dissuaded against crucible because of being waxed against the floor repeatedly by various 6 stack gold tier Unbroken players. There's no hope of even standing a chance. The teams are rarely anywhere near the possibility of being even. I recognize and understand why it was taken off, but for the sake of your casual players, please think on it. Thank you in advance.
Sincerely, a destiny 2 player who would like to play against similarly ranked destiny players, not the top 10 of the world.
Edited by Haunter: 10/17/2021 8:35:56 AMAbsolutely, positively NOT. 1. You being inept at something doesn't mean you get segregated treatment. 2. Don't lie and claim your matches are full of "unbroken or flawless" players, we can all see your stats and recent games and can see it isn't close to true. 3. Yet another sbmm post at 0 upvotes because the vocal sbmm minority never learn.
SBMM is only a good thing for people who are bad at the game.
Previously, I would not have agreed with such a request, but now, knowing what kind of trash is happening in PvP, I rather agree. The current state of things will simply scare away the entire average PvP audience and cross-play will not help here.
It wont happen bud streamers and sweats -blam!- and bungie gave in to them, it's funny cause look how bad pvp has gotten with the change.
You can see the evolution of the forums. anyone suggesting sbmm was downvoted and thread buried instantly, slowly over the months and recent couple of years the sbmm requests get less and less downvotes. Matchmaking is the biggest problem in pvp, more than the bugs, lag/p2p servers, class differences, anything else.
You just triggered the sweats. Congratulation. Look at all the toxic responses.
It's an old game, most players left are either new free to play ones or the majority of those are basement trolls that never go outside. The balance naturally is off. Theres a weird grey area in the middle of casuals but like any game, the basement trolls are going to give toxic experiences or a hard time in general
Wants sbmm but never touches elim or comp...
Pve players should have no business dictating pvp. Period.
Sbmm isn't the awnser. The problem is Bungies straight incompetence in Balencing a lobby. Here's what the stats of the average Lobby of 6v6 Control looks like based off current God awful Lobby balancing. Me:2.48. Opponent One: 1.5 T1:1:15 Opponent two: 1.4. T2: 0.94 Opponent three: 1.25 T3: 0.8 Opponent Four: 1.0 T4: 0.7. Opponent Five: 0.96 T5: 0.55. Opponent Six: 0.5 4/5 worst players on 1 team is not only not fun for the lesser skilled but for the "best player". It's such an easy fix and won't change que times and keep low pings. Good players shouldn't be punished Bungie and neither should the worst players in the lobby. The lobby Balence should be this. Me:2.48. Opponent One: 1.5 T1:1:25 Opponent two: 1.4. T2: 1.15 Opponent three: 1.0 T3: 0.94 Opponent Four: 0.96 T4: 0.8 Opponent Five: 0.7 T5: 0.55. Opponent Six: 0.5 Look how much more balanced when the best player doesn't get 4/5 worst players. The kds each line are almost identical without sbmm and keeping cbmm. So people are not teleporting around. Games without high kd outliers will be significantly more competitive. It would be a win for everyone playing.
Try running glory, it's still sbmm. I'm a terrible PvP player but still have fun playing comp, even lead the team in kills once and a while!
Only -blam!- players take advantage of sbmm while the people who care to get good suffer like they are running tourneys
Pvp is scaring away new light players, how the F*** doesn’t bungie understand that? Keep cod space magic pvp, but add more modes. Especially add an arena mode. Great mode for casuals/sweats looking for a balanced/skill base pvp mode. Destiny arena mode would be as good as halo and splitgate imo. At least what I imagine the mode would be like. Pvp has so much potential, and sadly it will never reach it
As much as I agree with you, Bungie looks at the numbers. On average over a million players in pvp a day. All they need to simply move on and look at silver sales or weapon nerfs. The matchmaking us so bad for control now, that most games get mercy or players leaving ect. I have had alot if matches end where its a 4 to 6 team match. Proof is in the pudding. Look at Destiny will clearly see most matches have a team with maybe a 5% chance on winning. Its there for sweats and or cheaters ( u know the controller mods that Bungie cant detect) to beat up on and trash legitimate or low skill players yo boost there overall kd. Want my opinion...quick playlist activity's should not be considered real pvp activitys. No stats should effect the players account. Only rewards and valor. Much like team scorched. Even Tracker doesn't consider scorched as no elo exists for it. Bottom line if its going to stay as it is ( complete mismatched mess) then make it for what it actually is. For fun, rewards and valor. No stats should go against the players overall kd ect...Untill then its for the wolves to prey on the rabbits.
Nah, create a hard-core mode. No abilities, rotating load outs. No supers, no shields etc. Crap players use crap skills to win battles. Strip it all away and test their abilities stright up
I agree but only for first time crucible players. They should get a predetermined set of matches against similar players before it slowly ramps up before putting them in The normal matchmaking pool.(per gamemode but caps out at certain crucible rank)
As long as rewards reflect your tier of skill, sure.
cbmm aka free stomps for sweat lords
At least one 6v6 skill lobby would be great. Have one for those who want "connection" based games too. Everyone has an enjoyable experience that way.
Cbmm is life. Especially in a game that relies on P2P. 👍
Play competitive. O you have and don’t like sweating it out every dam match? So don’t bring that trash into QP. It already exists where it belongs.
It’s been in the game already and didn’t work, go play comp if you want SBMM.
Rather not, thanks.
Please don't go there, the community spent a year begging for SBMM to be removed. Buyer's remorse or something?