Subject says it. Can't vault prisms, can't reset rank if inventory is full of prisms, have nothing to spend prisms on if inventory is also full of golfballs, and can't vault golfballs. Don't have anything worth masterworking that isn't already. Add to that the stupidly low storage limits on these things and it's another example of Bungo treating player QOL like crap.
And add to that the inability to dismantle a brick at a time of Mod Components, which can be vaulted but are pretty much worthless in large amounts. Malice or stupidity? Your call...
After farming for palindrome all week thing issue has hit a breaking point. I have resorted to master working random exotics just to store materials for later. For resetting you can just use the materials and don’t touch the ones at your mail until you have reset. However the fact that this is even the case is another glaring piece of evidence that 4 ex Bethesda employees now develop the game.