I didn't take a picture, but I was just informed that my account is about to be restricted from matchmaking for having connectivity issues. I only have issues when I play destiny but I haven't been disconnected. It just says contacting destiny servers. Last week, i was playing trials with a buddy, on our 5th win, but the game didn't end. So we just sat there for like 10 min. Then we tried to wipe. Mind you one of the enemy team had been sitting there the whole time. I got kicked for inactivity, then my buddy. We then get penalized and have A flawed trials passage. I get 840mpbs down and have a weird connection. No packet loss, and I don't have issues with literally any other game, just destiny. I know it isn't me. Any idea on how to resolve this?
If you’re receiving a warning for unstable internet, you may want to take a look through the network troubleshooting guide found here. https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049496531-Network-Troubleshooting-Guide