Not paying £60-£100 for seasons and dlc I can’t guarantee I’ll get to keep or that won’t be crap. Content being removed and the game being, just in general, a mess every patch that comes out is now tiring *just look at trials matchmaking and stasis*. Somethings take almost a year to fix!!! How??? Some of the stuff that needs nerfing/buffing hasn’t even been touched. A subclass upgrade each season?? Bungie delayed witch queen and yet they can’t be bothered to fit in some much needed upgrades.
The grind for even getting a *good* weapon is so exhausting and I don’t even want to play destiny after getting a new weapon because I’m burnt out.
Strikes are boring. Even the new update to the rank system takes too long. Nightfalls might as well be one a weekfalls. Who wants to play corrupted/exodus crash over and over?????? Just randomise it.
Crucible is kind of *fun* sometimes but the lack of patches, maps and weapon viability sucks!
Gambit? What’s gambit? I thought it was portal: rocket tracking adventures.
I think just in general I’m burnt out as I really do love the destiny universe but the lack of care being put into it is actually starting to affect me. I don’t enjoy watching my money being flushed away and I definitely hate not being to replay the content I purchased. I can’t even replay beyond light without creating a new character for goodness sake!
[spoiler]The point to take away from this is Bungie can do better and don’t be like me who immediately preordered content before witch queen. It really isn’t worth it. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]So I picked up a different game the other day for £5 quid including the starter pack. I’ve spent a couple days on it and haven’t even got through all the content. Really puts it in clear letters how little and undeveloped content you get for 40-60 quid in an expansion. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]For players who have lost all year 1 and year 2 content we don’t even get a partial return of the money we spent. Wouldn’t mind if they offered players who spent money on destiny 2 and the subsequent dlc that’s been removed a whole year of free seasons. Or a large amount of silver. But we get squat. [/spoiler]
There is no good reason for witch queen deluxe + 30th anniversary should be $150 bucks like there is no possible way that its should be worth that