Afr Geo Blaze from xbox here. I know you probably have a lot of question each day, but as days pass, I fear I will not have support for this. It'll take a while to read, but I wanna be sure to be understood correctly. I already made a topic but just in case, here's a better explanation :
Back from the end of the last event, I actually unlocked the very last page from the book of the event, which should have unlocked the last lore triumph, at the very moment the servers went down for technical maintenance.
After a swift reconnection before the reset, I checked the event book, with every pages unlocked, but as I wanted to check about the triumph, the last one didn't appeared.
I know that usually, unreclaimed triumph can be validated after the event end, but this time, unlike most past events, I can still see the other locked triumph (for completing the book and have a shader and the one for every FotLost triumph unlocked) in the list. So it's unusual to not event actually see the last page triumph, even impossible to reclaim, while the other are still there.
I think it's [u]an issue[/u] caused from the unlucky situation I've described up there, preventing the triumph to appear and be reclaimed. To think of it, though I cannot confirm at 100%, I did go to the collection at one point and definitly doesn't remember to see any mark from unreclaimed triumph in the tab while doing so. I can definitly sware also that I saw the event book completed, so I couldn't even obtain the page again.
Can check the number of materialized page I still had before reset, had plenty enough. So I'm wondering if we can investigate the issue so I can have the last lore page and the shader ? Or at least confirm to me that [b]both[/b] will be avalaible again in the next event in 2022.
Thank you for reading. I wouldn't get through such hassle if it was just a mere omission, but when it's an issue, I'd rather try to get the reward back if I can...
Unfortunately if you didn’t unlock the triumph before the event ended there is nothing that can be done.
Edited by Afr Geo Blaze: 11/11/2021 2:31:08 AMNot that I'm upset (yet), but still waiting for an answer, if you don't mind, please. Where must I report the issue if nothing can be done here, or where can I get in touch with someone to confirm the rewards will be granted at some point like those of pre-beyond light lore book ?
At this point nothing can be done. If you were claiming it when the event ended you missed your opportunity.
My account got restricted from pvp they said it was due to an inconsistent internet connection I was never notified if it was permanent or what the issue is my internet is fine its a 5 year old account I'd hate to be locked out of my favorite part of the game
Edited by Afr Geo Blaze: 11/9/2021 7:24:48 PMThat's why I'm stating that it didn't pop from the start. How could I've been able to unlock something that didn't poped ? Issues are investigated, right ? Or is there another place I should report that issue ?