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11/10/2021 2:26:02 AM

Not being able to use already purchased dlc or season pass

So I'm already frustrated with how the game has gone. But this tops it. I just got the series s Xbox. Yes I'm a peasant but I don't care. Bought the season pass on the Xbox one. Bought beyond light for the Xbox one. It's already on my Xbox live account. Now, because I bought an updated system, I have to buy both of those things again because of some bullshit reason? And Bungie conveniently has no customer service email or phone number. Just this forum. I've spent so much money on this game just to be told I have to buy it again because I bought a new system. You guys don't even care about the players. You care about money. That can clearly be seen with sunsetting. Horrible feedback and loss of players forced you to do away with it. But then still kept everything sunset. Y'all got some moral issues you need to deal with. First and foremost, I won't be buying all of this again because you want me to. If the things I've already bought or worked for don't matter then neither does this game. I don't even care. I work hard for my money and I'm done spending it on something I use to enjoy just to be told I have to buy it again because I upgraded my system. Hashtag 1* do not recommend. Show some respect for people for crying out loud. Not everyone is a rich streamer or have rich parents. Rant done.
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