The shader upgrades have been great overall. It is fantastic to not have to buy them from collections or pay to apply them. But there are like nine pages of them to tab through, and with two configurations (one is five rows high, one is four? three?), it's more difficult to remember what page your favorites are on.
[b]A "Favorite" Shader function would solve this problem.[/b]
A user Favorites a shader; after that, they can quickly access it from a Favorites page they tab left to access. They can get to the better ones more quickly and it improves the overall experience significantly.
Edited by Demon_XXVII: 11/18/2021 10:39:31 AMHow about a proper filter (A-Z & Z-A, 🔍 name search & Primary Colour) & by season And a ‘mark 3 favourites’ option that stays on the first page (regardless of filter) Edit Oh & while we’re talking shaders & options Put that shader/transmog selection into use with Eververse too So things (shaders, ornaments etc) can be previewed with existing gear & styles changes checked before purchase Check out Outriders - the (FREE) transmog system makes Bungie look like amateurs