Another sandbox update, new weapons and yet again the worst type of weapon to use in pvp are Scout rifles. Seriously bungie, getting 2 tapped by a fkn sidearm at range or instantly melted by the new pulse is ridiculous, add that to hand cannons like Igneous, Paledrome or now Eyesluna that never seem to miss shots at range. Wtf the is the point of having scouts in the game anymore when all you do is constantly -blam!- on them?
My main issue with scouts currently is the amount of flinch they take, even with 2 unflinching mods it can still be excessive, this and on top of using a weapon type with higher zoom can make it a struggle sometimes. I would like to see a buff to precision frame scouts in pvp. 61 to the face and 41 to the body. High impacts should do 68 but increase body shot damage to 44. This makes the 1h+3b more forgiving. This also let's them kill in 5 body shots.