To celebrate the new year, I hav decided to host, hopefully, the [i]first[/i] official OffTopic yearbook. It’s basically the concept of a normal school yearbook where you pick titles and then pick certain users to hold that title. Pretty simple.
There will be three phases.
1. The first phase is the picking of the titles. Which will be picked and voted on Thursday, so prepare your titles.
2. The second phase will be the nominations and the voting of each user.
3. The final phase will be revelation of winners of the titles.
The first and second post will happen on consecutive Thursdays (the 16th and the 24) and the final post will happen in New Years Day.
For example, you could come up with the title, “Most Fun User,” for the first phase. Then once the nomination phase comes around, you can nominate the great and mighty ZBruh for that title. Then, if he gets enough votes, he will be nominated the most fun user of the year.
Any ideas or questions are welcome.
Trying to understand this with a headache isn’t really working but from what I can tell it sounds cool