People running around almost the entire match in 6v6 with shotguns, sniper or any other special weapon is a mistake.
Back in D1 Special Ammo boxes ensured several things in the patch state of "Age of Triumph":
1.) Ammo boxes provided additional strategic points of combat and prevented "big choke points*" of the combat flow in most modes
2.) Ammo boxes ensured a controlled flow of Special Ammo in the matches, preventing massive special weapon abuse unless high-skilled players killed several players that carried special ammo to get a higher count than 1-2 shots
3.) Ammo boxes had a value in matches, making them points of interests for players to move around and don't camp in cover for a long time.
[i]* A "choke point" is a point on the map where players of both teams crowd up and fight each other for several gunfights. An example of such a choke point would be the hallway on Burning Shrine, next to Zone B, the In-/Outdoor Entrances on left and right side and the hallway between A and C with the Stairs in the middle of Burning Shrine[/i]
Back in Destiny 1 the special ammo economy was disrupted by 1 single problem. Sidearms. For those not knowing, back in D1 Sidearms were SPECIAL WEAPONS that always spawn with 1 full mag. That meant, even with the changes to "No special on (re)spawn" the Sidearms always had 1 mag of ammo.
Since in Destiny 2 the Sidearms are Primaries, this problem is eliminated.
Most of you can't deny how often players run around with their Shotgun or Fusion Rifle instead of using their Primary.
From my perspective as a Crucible Player since 7 years in both D1 and D2, Special Ammo should be a slightly "gamechanger". That means, the ammo should be more rare and heavy even more rare than it is now. Right now, there is nothing "special" about "special ammo". It is like running around in CoD with a Semtex Grenade Launcher all the time, every respawn. It is not really fun, just very annoying to play against.
If you, Bungie, are planning to focus the game more on gunplay, then I say the best approach would be to also reduce the special weapon usage to move them into a spot where they are "Special weapons for special situations".
Alongside with the Special Ammo boxes you should disable spawning with special ammo after the initial spawn of the match/round. That means in Trials/Elimination you will still spawn with your 2 shots of special but after that you have to find ammo boxes, making you not camp or hide on the map and allowing players to get an opening on very defensive playing players. In 6v6 modes this means that players have to play together as team more and go less on "lone wolf" kill-streaks because of having special ammo all the time.
Good players will still have a strong impact with their primaries, but less with special weapons if they have no ammo. That also means in conclusion that players that are not that good at pvp will have a better chance of getting a kill or two before they get obliterated, compared to the current state of "special up all the time".
If Bungie makes the game a bit slower with the reduction of super uptime, then they should also make the game more focused on playing 2 primaries or 1 primary and 1 special when you get the ammo sometimes.
Allowing a slower pace will make place for more teamplay, less solo-carries and a better environment for a fun experience.
Edited by Kestrel, King of Excrement: 12/25/2021 2:17:00 AMYou really want us to go back to something resembling D2Y1 Meta?
Absolutely not. Special ammo crates were a lazy, band-aid fix to an issue that did nothing but put an arbitrary timer on making plays, punished people who used their primary and special well, promoted camping, and arguably caused more frustration with people steamroller after getting all the special and teammates opening the crates before anyone else could get close. No. Absolutely not. Make special ammo only drop from primary kills and you get less special ammo without the numerous drawbacks of crates.
Would you look at that, the majority again voted that your opinion is bad. Maybe start keeping these to yourself bud.
Here a fix special only drops on precision kills
We're coming full circle now. We're regressing back to D2Y1.
Yeah absolutely no. Make the gamer slower? Hell no , this aint halo its not our fault you cant keep up.
Well I guess now we know the one guy who liked year 1 d2 PvP. Seriously, no. Just no.
Edited by Infamous067: 12/23/2021 11:55:37 PMREMOVE scavenger mods! Nuff said, thats the reason why its so easy to run a special as a primary. There is nothing wrong with having a special weapon, its only an issue when you have so much one shot ammo that you don’t even need a primary weapon.
Nah special boxes were the worst part of D1 except for maybe 1-shot stickies
Since the ability cooldown changes every lobby is 90% hunters with stompees and shotguns. We all knew mobility exotics would take over after the ability netfs, but had no idea it would be this bad. Stompees need to be looked at asap as they are the biggest problem in pvp and will single handily kill the mode since everyone will move over and crutch on the free win OP exotic.
Plz no. Honestly, I don’t think they really need to change the special economy anymore at this point, it feels fine where it is. If they do change it, only a very minor decrease in ammo would be needed. Specials should be something players get to use for most of the game, if they wish to. That’s what keeps the game from becoming an incredibly boring team shooting simulator, which we’re already sort of getting a taste of from the ability cooldown changes. Adding more varied map sizes, modes, and having some control points be more out in the open (like maps like Equinox had) will be much healthier in reducing special usage without it choking the game’s action.
Edited by hate n payne: 12/22/2021 10:22:19 PMYou don’t want that. The solution is bigger maps and lobby balancing changes. Making the game slower will only make players want to team up more. Ammo boxes was a bad idea in D1 and it will be a bad idea again.
we had that in year 1 and nobody like it
Edited by Meow Fairy: 12/23/2021 9:49:58 AMF*ck no. I dont wanna have to wait on ammo boxes half the match it slows the gameplay too much + creates an unfair advantage for players who managed to get a box and not you. And why the player "who are not good at pvp" like you said should have the game modified for them ? Why dont they just try to improve instead of being encouraged to stay mediocre in pvp ?
No it ruined D1 crucible
I'd rather focus my attention on gunplay then seeking out boxes but I agree that special is way too abundant. Perhaps if they simply removed scavenger from pvp altogether we'd begin to see a significant difference. I'm aware they half-did this already and it wasn't enough, but I could imagine going the rest of the way to remove the perk sufficing.
Edited by SIERRA - 117: 12/23/2021 3:23:47 AMSo here’s my opinion: - I think the ammo and weapon classification system needs to be changed and updated. No longer should we go by primary, special and heavy weapons. What we should do is go by: light, medium, and heavy weapons. - Any weapon that can one shot you, should be considered a heavy weapon and go into the heavy slot. Medium weapons should be powerful weapons that have more range and deal extra crit damage like: hand cannons, rifles, and bows. However ammo for medium weapons are limited so use wisely. Finally, light weapons are your sidearms, sub machine guns. These have plenty of ammo and are a very good option for close quarters combat.
Or, and here me out, just add back in combined arms.
No, that -blam!- was so boring. Literally camping boxes for advantage is garbage.
Ya’ll actually want D2Y1 back.
[quote]People running around almost the entire match in 6v6 with shotguns, sniper or any other special weapon is a mistake. Back in D1 Special Ammo boxes ensured several things in the patch state of "Age of Triumph": 1.) Ammo boxes provided additional strategic points of combat and prevented "big choke points*" of the combat flow in most modes 2.) Ammo boxes ensured a controlled flow of Special Ammo in the matches, preventing massive special weapon abuse unless high-skilled players killed several players that carried special ammo to get a higher count than 1-2 shots 3.) Ammo boxes had a value in matches, making them points of interests for players to move around and don't camp in cover for a long time. [i]* A "choke point" is a point on the map where players of both teams crowd up and fight each other for several gunfights. An example of such a choke point would be the hallway on Burning Shrine, next to Zone B, the In-/Outdoor Entrances on left and right side and the hallway between A and C with the Stairs in the middle of Burning Shrine[/i] Back in Destiny 1 the special ammo economy was disrupted by 1 single problem. Sidearms. For those not knowing, back in D1 Sidearms were SPECIAL WEAPONS that always spawn with 1 full mag. That meant, even with the changes to "No special on (re)spawn" the Sidearms always had 1 mag of ammo. Since in Destiny 2 the Sidearms are Primaries, this problem is eliminated. Most of you can't deny how often players run around with their Shotgun or Fusion Rifle instead of using their Primary. From my perspective as a Crucible Player since 7 years in both D1 and D2, Special Ammo should be a slightly "gamechanger". That means, the ammo should be more rare and heavy even more rare than it is now. Right now, there is nothing "special" about "special ammo". It is like running around in CoD with a Semtex Grenade Launcher all the time, every respawn. It is not really fun, just very annoying to play against. If you, Bungie, are planning to focus the game more on gunplay, then I say the best approach would be to also reduce the special weapon usage to move them into a spot where they are "Special weapons for special situations". Alongside with the Special Ammo boxes you should disable spawning with special ammo after the initial spawn of the match/round. That means in Trials/Elimination you will still spawn with your 2 shots of special but after that you have to find ammo boxes, making you not camp or hide on the map and allowing players to get an opening on very defensive playing players. In 6v6 modes this means that players have to play together as team more and go less on "lone wolf" kill-streaks because of having special ammo all the time. Good players will still have a strong impact with their primaries, but less with special weapons if they have no ammo. That also means in conclusion that players that are not that good at pvp will have a better chance of getting a kill or two before they get obliterated, compared to the current state of "special up all the time". If Bungie makes the game a bit slower with the reduction of super uptime, then they should also make the game more focused on playing 2 primaries or 1 primary and 1 special when you get the ammo sometimes. Allowing a slower pace will make place for more teamplay, less solo-carries and a better environment for a fun experience.[/quote] Special should be less abundant but not -blam!- neutered. Just removed Scavengers from PvP and it’s fine
do that and you will have everyone running DMT with sidearms also shut up a ammo economy like that could not survive in a Mordern shooter
I've been saying for years now, we have things called PRIMARY weapons, and they are called such for more reasons than just having more ammo.
Please no ammo boxes.
Sounds really boring and slow. Reminds of d2 year 1 when I quit because it was so boring.
Hell no the system we have now is fine just disable scavenger mods in pvp. Nearly any good pvp player hated the special ammo boxes because teams would just camp them. The last thing anyone wants is a campy passive meta.