Hey to everyone interested.
So I've been wondering for a while now... what is ever going to happen to all our old sunset ornaments?
are Bungie planning on bringing our old weapons back so we can use them again?
or is it just something we can look at in our collection collecting digital dust... to me this is a shame.
As for my idea for how we can put them to use again is quite simple.
Allow old Ornaments of a specific archetype to be used by weapons of the same archetype (example: Necrosis the Recluse skin)
Recluse was a lightweight frame SMG, so why not allow all Lightweight frame SMGs use the ornament?
To me this is really no different from how Armor customization works, and I think for those people who has collected a lot of the old ornaments would get to use them again.
Then Bungie could just add the ornaments back into the game in some way so newer players would also be able to obtain them.
I don't know if anyone beside me think this would be pretty awesome, but I would love to hear what you guys think about this idea.
Thanks in advance for your replies :)
Agreed it's the same concept as the old shadow keep sunset weapons, granted this issue has been resolved by reissuing the old weapons obtained through doing the same activitys again to get the old weapon rolls we worked for while having to do some boring activitys. And I feel that it would be a nice thug to include for newer players to be able to put those old ornaments on their favorite guns (Like the lightweight architype Death Adder) and would be a great idea.