Hey I activated cross save from my play station to my computer….. my character doesn’t show up on my pc? Keeps trying to get me to make a new one… I’ve spent countless hours in this game as I’m sure you know and it would lose me as a customer all together if I can’t use that character. Thanks
You set your pc as your main account not your psn. Only way to switch them is to disable cross save wait the 90day then reactivate it.
So there is no way for me to load my play station character onto my pc?
Cross save doesn't transfer characters. The only way you can use your psn characters on your pc is to disable cross save and wait the 90 period after that reactivate cross save.
Well I went to turn my PlayStation on and my character wasn’t even on there anymore ?!? -blam!- this game I spent so Much time on it . What a joke
Like I said you setyour pc characters as your main. So your ps4 characters were place in a dormant state. Once you deactivate cross save your ps4 characters will be available on your ps4. You will then wait 90 days and try again.
I don’t see a way to deactivate the cross save feature ?
Log in to bungie.net with one of your linked acounts. Click on your account avatar in the top right, then select Cross Save. On the next screen select View Set up. On the screen that follows near the bottom there should be a big red button that says disable cross save. Click that. The following screen you will need to click on each accounts' "authenticate" button. After you authenticate the last linked account it will disable cross save.