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1/14/2022 10:11:47 AM
Did you know most Exotics today have a catalyst in the API? Sure, many are either placeholders to prevent a crash, and others are dev tests that likely won't see the light of day, but still. Jotunn had one introduced in S6, Cloudstrike in S12. In total, 79 of the 85 or so weapons have catalysts in the API, meaning all Bungie has to do is think of an effect for ones that aren't released (Like the aforementioned ones, and others like Last Word and Thorn), but that would require too much work for poor wittle Bungie. Plus it has the added effect of nerfing Charged with Light builds. So why do the logical thing that would please players, when you can piss everyone off and confirm to us you have no damn clue WHY we use Orbs and WHY we use Charged with Light.

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