[quote]Smells like a MR Smith idea too me just saying[/quote]
Joe Blackburn is the director of d2 since Beyond light, Smith is something else now
Edited by Demon_XXVII: 1/16/2022 1:17:59 AMActually Joe Blackburn is the [b]assistant[/b] game director The game director is Justin Truman https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/News/50109 Luke Sith (executive role) is still in overall charge & responsibility for everything regarding the Destiny world [quote]To expand the Destiny IP and bring new stories and experiences to their highly engaged community, Bungie appointed Mark Noseworthy (Vice President, Destiny Universe) and Luke Smith (Executive Creative Director, Destiny Universe) to oversee and prepare for the expansion of the Destiny Universe into additional media. Justin Truman (General Ma-blam!-, Destiny 2) takes over the successful development leadership of Destiny 2. [/quote]
odd, it says game director on the Witch Queen showcase
He can choose a title But the source says it all Truman is in charge (And yet Luke & Noseworthy are still in the power seats)