Hi I have played destiny 2 since it has came out and recently I haven’t been playing a lot. When I download the game again I realized I didn’t have access to be Beyond Light. I remember buying it when it first came out and I played it. I got through the whole campaign of it and then that’s when I stoped playing. But now when I want to play it again it says I have to buy it and does not say I can download it. So if u can help me in anyway thank you.
Beyond light recently light gamepass so you may have been accessing it via that. However if you believe you had purchased it separately, you can try restoring your license following the steps listed in the article below. If you continue encountering this issue after you will need to reach out to the platform customer support. https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049196071-Accessing-and-Restoring-Licenses-to-Destiny-Content