Alright, so this has apparently only happened to me, as literally every one of my friends and random people that i help through shattered throne to do wish ender have gotten the bow. I've reset the quest, I've tried to shimmey around the statue to see if the angle is one of "those angles". I've done it on different characters, I've done all the orbs 10+ times, I've done the old -blam!- talisman of light and darkness quest, all to no avail. No matter what i do, I'm completely unable to present the talisman to the statue of urd(i think thats her name?).
Any help? sadge.
btw if you have already done the orbs the chances are you already handed the talisman to the statue perhaps without realizing. which is good coz it means all you need do is the ??? quest on the tangled shore. this'll grant you the 3 tokens you need to cleanse. until you have cleansed all 3 you will not be able to interract again with the statue and get the bow. note that ??? is not in your log. it's simply marked on the map (four-horn gulch from memory). go there, do the quest, get the 3 tokens and happy hunting. also, all 3 of the secret bosses you need are in the first half of the dungeon and as you already know are activated by the orbs. and i don't recall whether you need be ascendant for them or not. the minotaur is on the roof of the tallest building in the first section with the orb being in the tower of sky (i think?). easiest way up to the boss is from jumping up the rocks near tower of the deep. the captain is just after 1st thrallway. after and the 3rd (the orge?) is triggered by killing the invisible minotaur in vorgeth's room. don't kill vorgeth until you kill this boss or he will despawn. i believe that if you miss a single one of these bosses, you will not be able to turn in your tokens. has to be done in one run. hope this helps
Damn thats a pain. Can you delete the quest and start again, I wonder, or maybe you already have with trying orbs 10+ times -_- definitely report it.
You aren’t missing out, the bow is trash anyway. It will most likely end up in the kiosk in witch queen and you can just easily pick it up.
If it’s bugged it will be unobtainable until fixed. It has been bugged before ,when talking to the statue to collect wishender the game would black screen and you had to reset your console which wasn’t fun.
Edited by TemperedOne: 1/23/2022 12:58:55 PMDid you cleanse the tokens before attempting to turn them in? Just have to ask.
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Getting Wish-Ender is EASY
No it’s not. I got it like 2 years ago
Would like to delete tokens from alt character….
The quest is so borked by this point, afraid Bungie never will fix it.
Edited by Dusk: 1/21/2022 10:41:21 PMHave you completed the mission '???' from the tangled shore director to get the three talismans needed? Or did you only turn in the awoken statue item? You also may want to move this out of rewards and into the help forum.
That quest has had issues with bugs, may want to report it to Bungie. I'm just waiting for it to come to the Tower.
Have had the same issue since I started back playing awhile ago. Would be nice to get.