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originally posted in: PvP Match Making
1/23/2022 6:54:02 PM
We want SBMM, Bungie gives it to us. We hate SBMM, so Bungie changes it to CBMM We hate CBMM, so Bungie changes it BACK to SBMM We hate that too...rinse and repeat about 47 more times Conclusion - the Destiny community is a bunch of whiners that enjoy complaining about things about as much as they enjoy doing nothing about it.

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  • There's only ONE problem with Destiny 2 pvp: peer-to-peer. As long as players have advantage, because of their internet or region, no SBMM or CBMM will help.

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  • Bungie has never had true sbmm, they've only had their failure snake system, be better.

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  • [quote]We want SBMM, Bungie gives it to us.[/quote] I'm we. [quote]We hate SBMM, so Bungie changes it to CBMM[/quote] I'm not we. [quote]We hate CBMM, so Bungie changes it BACK to SBMM[/quote] I'm we. [quote]We hate that too...rinse and repeat about 47 more times[/quote] I'm Schrödinger's we.

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  • just an FYI, most of the PvP games that currently use SBMM are being told by their player's to switch back to CBMM. There is a massive divide - almost as bad as the political viewpoints in America...there are pros and cons to both, but no matter which is chosen - it will be impossible to make subpar players happy

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  • It's easy to make the subpar players happy. It's difficult to make the 'good' players happy.

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  • Not exactly. Here's why: If subpar players play each other, eventually some of them are going to get an increase in stats, which will put them in a higher pool. When they get there, they will face off against more experienced and skilled players, which will stomp a mudhole in them, and walk it dry. So, what happens, subpar player gets kicked back down to the cesspool of rookies - rinse and repeat. Same goes for good players - that's why so many gamers outside of D2 don't like SBMM. The one scenario that would make your statement true wouldn't apply to PvP - it's all these subpar players being handed everything in the game, while the rest of us had to actually get our hands dirty.

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  • The subpar players aren't being handed anything. Unlike the 'good' players the subpar players are enjoying sweaty matches against people who are at their level. The 'good' players are being handed the ability to abuse bad players. It helps them pad stats and make cool montages to post on YT. It's also why the 'good' players whine so much; they got used to pub stomping potatoes that when something doesn't go right they need a gun or skill nerfed.

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  • I happen to agree with this. I have much more fun in close matches than in stomps, even if it's my team doing the stomping. I'd like to preface this with a disclaimer: I understand and respect the opinions of those who prefer CBMM if their arguments for their stance are reasonable. In fact, I even support those opinions, as they are legitimate concerns with the state of the game at the moment. To people who say that: "winning bumps you up and then getting matched with better players bumps you down."- That's the point. You're where you belong. If you want to climb, you have to actually get better instead of farming lower skilled players. Solo queuing into a sweat stack and getting farmed in Control while players constantly leave the game because they're getting stomped... That's not good gameplay. Are you gonna throw Timmy's Little League team up against the Mets? No, of course not. That's ridiculous. You're going to have him play Jimmy's team. What do people do when their team is down by a wide margin in the last couple minutes/pitches of a game? They go home. But when games are close? Spectators stick around, they get that much more excited. Players play that much harder. People who complain about being matched with players of similar skill are just entitled and elitist. They don't want to have to work for their wins, they just want to pad their stats and farm. They believe that just because they got to where they are, they're owed an easy time. They're the kind of people -blam!- their Trials card to avoid going flawless. And before people raise the (good point) of: "Well how are people going to go flawless in Trials if every game is sweaty?"... Doesn't that prove my point? Maybe it's Trials itself that's the problem? The fact that you have to win a whole pile of games in a row, causing people to abuse the system instead of creating an actual competitive environment? The idea of going flawless for the best loot is asinine at best and is why people wanted Freelance. So that teams who stack and farm don't ruin their experience. In games with SBMM, creating new accounts in order to get put into lower skilled games (also known as smurfing) is a [i]bannable[/i] offense. Yet, in CBMM, the result is the exact same as if people were smurfing. The only difference is that the blame lies on the game itself. Now, I'm obviously not trying to paint everyone who supports CBMM with the same brush here. There are perfectly legit reasons to prefer it (especially given the amount of connection shenanigans that happen in PvP and how they are consistently a problem), and I understand that completely and agree with that point of view. Preferring a stable game over a close game is a personal opinion, and one worth respecting. So here's hoping that Bungie actually does something about connection problems, or at least gives players an option to opt into SBMM or CBMM. They already do this with Crossplay, could they not do it with their matchmaking as well? Anyway, sorry for the wall of text. Just wanted to get my 2 cents in as concisely and non-divisively as possible, though I'm sure more than a few people are going to take exception to my post.

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