I'm experiencing some issues specifically with light.gg that essentially only shows my inventory on my Playstation account. When I switch to PC, it's completely empty. After trying everything recommended to me, I have decided to unlink my Playstation account from my Bungie account. I originally played D2 on PS4, but made the switch to PC around Season of Opulence when Cross Save was initially rolled out. I no longer play on PS except for maybe some testing of D2 on the PS5.
The issue that I run into is that when I am brought to the page in the image above, my steam account is authenticated but displays characters I made in vanilla D2 on a previous computer just to try it out. The characters that I currently play as on PC are shown next to it, but on a seemingly non-authenticated PS4 account. I am concerned that if I deactivate this PS4 account, I will be left with the steam account with characters I've only played with once.
How do I make Steam my only account linked to Bungie but with the correct characters?
What you're asking for is not possible. Cross Save doesn't transfer your data—it only allows you to access that data on all linked platforms while it's enabled. That's why light.gg shows no inventory for your Steam account. If you deactivate Cross Save, your data will return to only being available on their original platform and you'll have to wait 90 days to enable it again.