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1/23/2022 9:15:12 PM
While I absolutely cannot relate to being misty-eyed about this game, I am also out when Witch Queen drops. Will I play what little "free" content there is when it goes live? Probably. At least to check it out. Will I buy Witch Queen, any season, any a la carte dungeons or future a la carte exotics? Abso-f***ing-lutely not. For the past several weeks, I've done nothing in D2 but hop on to grab the free Bright Dust because, well, it's free so why not? Right after I get it, I turn it off. Only JUST this week did I run some Strikes on one character. Shortly after, I was instantly bored and turned it right off again. I will finish the content I've paid for, as much as I can tolerate anyways, until the next "expansion" goes live. I'll let the servers die for the first two days, as they do, then check out the "free" stuff later before, inevitably, I turn the game off one last time. Do I hope this game actually becomes good? Of course. Why would I want it to continue being a boring loop of only playing a handful of activities endlessly to raise a meaningless number? I would LOVE for Destiny to become a proper game where you explore and play your way to ACTUALLY become more powerful however you want to achieve it. But it isn't and likely won't ever be. It's just a loop. People pay over $100 each year to continue playing the same activities they've been playing to get the same gear they're already getting. That's why I use "expansion" in quotes like that. There's no expansion. Just an annual price tag so you can keep doing Strikes, Gambit, Crucible, a Dungeon and a Raid three times a week in the hopes your number goes higher. I already paid for that. I already played that. Several times over. This game should be an amazing world you explore and discover. Where you actually want to go to the various destinations to find new quests and challenges and rewards. It isn't. The only reason people go back to any of those places is because their latest chores list told them they had to. Soon as they've checked it off, they leave. Wow... Exciting. Back to those same five activities again. Sadly, it looks like The Blair Witch is gonna keep the trend going. Once you've done the campaign and once you've found the couple neat things hidden somewhere on the destination and gotten the Emblem or Shader that goes with it, you're only gonna return to it in Free Roam because a new Bounty says you have to or the chores list for your "weapon crafting" makes you. Otherwise.... Strikes, Gambit, Crucible, Dungeon, Raid, repeat. Yawn.

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    The Guy
    The Guy

    Laughing at their “logic.” - old

    I seriously doubt I purchase the new 80 dollar dlc. If or when weapon crafting includes primary and energy weapons of all types, I’ll purchase the particular dlc that grants that. Until then, I’m just not intrigued enough to buy anything more.

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  • You act like we are still in D2 vanilla. They have given us dungeons, raids, planets/destination with amazing visuals, actual storytelling, crucible balances, reworks, secrets, and so much more... People, it's a long season. calm down.

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  • You can defend these bland & uninteresting pieces of content as much as you please but it still remains that after completing the bulk of this stuff, which Bungie actively encourages blowing through within a week to be "Raid ready," there is zero reason to return to that content beyond another roll on a piece of gear you're likely to stop using before you even realize it. I, and a lot of people, don't want to just be stuck playing the same five activities over and over again just because the only real long-term content this lazy company produces is the artificial nothingness of raising your "power" level. They expect players to spend hundreds of dollars a year just to keep doing that. It always boils down to that with nothing else to do. The "Pinnacle slog" is boring. I've already paid (too much) to do that. I've already done that. I'm over it. A lot of people are and it's a great thing to see. You like it? Great. Hope they get every dime you got so you can keep doing what you've already done countless times over. Enjoy it. The rest of us are moving on with a watchful eye on the thin hopes this game actually becomes something more than calculator.

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  • Good post 👍

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  • So salty lol

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  • Would rather be salty than a sucker. <3

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  • Who’s the sucker, the guy paying for a game he really enjoys, or the guy paying for a game he hates? Have a great day!

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  • You're the sucker. Figured that was clear. Didn't think I'd have to explain that to you.

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  • Good one! Very well thought! I’ll finish it for you, “Thanks I know” ::finger guns::

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  • The phrase is "Very well thought-out." On top of that, your "arguments" have been "it's a long season, calm down," which missed the point entirely, and then "so salty lol." So, sucker, you really have no stance on sarcastically saying something was "well thought (out)" when you haven't been able to make one single argument with supporting details and information to contradict my arguments on why the game is boring. Also, sucker, I stopped buying anything in this game after regrettably purchasing "Beyond Light." I wanted to give the game one more chance and the expansion has been no different than all other expansions. No 30th Gjallarhorn Pack for more than twice the price of a season. Not a dime for the Broodwich expansion. So, sucker, the guy who didn't always hate the game and never wanted to hate the game but now does hate the game has stopped spending money on a game he hates whereas the addicts keep sticking the needle in like the gullible suckers they are.

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  • Yet… you’re still here lol. Again, have a great day!

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  • Another response lacking any originality or creativity. You're a credit to Bungie zealots everywhere. I hope Destiny becomes a good game. I'm gonna check on it and hope they prove me wrong. I want them to. But they're not getting another penny until they do, sucker.

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    👏👏👏💯 Agreed

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  • Agree, who even visits the planets nowadays unless there is a quest. That frozen planet is dead

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  • But people will revolt if they ever remove this "dead" planet lmao

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  • I never said remove it, just bungie lazy creating this Planet and having nothing to do there.

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  • Agreed. If Bungie had gone the way of Witcher 3 or RD Redemption, the game would be truly epic!! Instead it’s…well…what we have now.

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  • It could never go that direction though, their completely different types of games. It was always going to be a cornball space experience.

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  • What’s interesting is back in D1 I loved to just hang out on Venus. Whether I was doing bounties, test weapons, seeing if I could help others enter VoG, etc. I just don’t have that feeling with D2 at all.

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  • What may i ask was different about venus as opposed to any planet in d2? it's literally the same stuff..

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  • [quote]What’s interesting is back in D1 I loved to just hang out on Venus. Whether I was doing bounties, test weapons, seeing if I could help others enter VoG, etc. I just don’t have that feeling with D2 at all.[/quote] This. This exactly.

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  • You're not alone. After "The Taken King," the game just felt so good to play. The weapons were fun and plentiful with so many different ways to play and earn new rolls on them. Even if there weren't many reasons to Patrol in Destiny 1 after a while, it still felt fun to do. I think it's because that, while there were Bounties in D1, they didn't eat up so much of the playtime. You'd have a few, could knock most out real quick, then you were free to do whatever. Now? The Bounties are everything. Let's face it, the seasonal "Challenges" are just a reskinned bounty system. They require all your time to make progress even before you're doing your "Pinnacle Slog" routine that it just eats away at the fun and freedom to go do whatever.

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  • ugh... it also took an entire year to get new content giving us a terribly boring drought.

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  • But that content was way better than now. Currently we get stuff every 3 months and it pretty much sucks other than narrative which doesn't actually count because its a game and its needs to be fun to play as well

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  • I think most playing this game do so because of what it once was or can be....not for what it is now. Bungie is all about tedious grind, instead of creating quality content which it once was. Once a long time ago.

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