Bungie, I don’t think you understand how annoying it is having to wait hours on a Tuesday to play the new week.
Move the maintenance window.
Nobody wants to play destiny on Mondays at 11am or 2pm for example.
People WANT to play Tuesday after reset.
1. They aren't going to do that. Bungie is a company based on the West Coast of the US, and they are doing to do that work DURING the normal workday for where they are. You should want it done then, because that is when people are fresh, and they have the most resources available to do it right the first time. [quote]Nobody wants to play destiny on Mondays at 11am or 2pm for example.[/quote] 2. Except the people playing at those times. Also why would they waste time with TWO maintenance cycles? 3. They are doing this because they are preparing the game for the release of Witch Queen. That DLC is going to introduce massive changes to the game, and they are getting the servers READY for those changes. They are doing it a bit at a time, so they don't have to take the game offline for a day or more right befroe the game launches....and without the ability to see if the changes are working as intended before people pile into the game looking to play the new content. Sometimes (if you're wise) you realize that you need to put up with MINOR inconveniences, in order to avoid MAJOR problems (not to mention major inconveniences) later on.