Welp, finally got around to that final part, huh? Anyways, enjoy.
“Does this look like the place?” Mechanic asked Commander, who was bent over a map, scrutinizing it through a magnifying glass.
Commander straightened his back with a pop and looked around. The area around them was certainly the place, though what that entailed was still unclear. They were told to be here tomorrow, but thanks to a well-placed ramp, and the last of Panzer’s rocket fuel, they got here much earlier. “Yep. This is it. I guess we should set up camp. Panzer! Come over here, help me out.” Commander called out, turning away from the map. Panzer trilled a response and rumbled after Commander. Mechanic watched them go and sighed. Since he had nothing else to do, he sat on the grass and remembered.
The journey through the Innerverse, in order to reach Offtopic, was really hazy. He remembered the warm-yellow antilight that permeated everywhere you went. He remembered the descent to Offtopic from the Innerverse ship, and he remembered spending weeks trying to find the exact place they were assigned to. Other than that, no real details stuck out. He did, however, remember his first weeks in Offtopic, learning how to deal with Panzer and Commander.
“Haha!” Commander exclaimed, “This MUST be it!” Mechanic looked up at him from his position in the driver's seat. Commander crouched down and looks at Mechanic with a gleam in his eyes. “We’ve finally, made it, Mechanic!” he exclaimed again, the sound reverberating off of Panzer’s walls and hurting Mechanic’s ears. “I wonder how the citizens will react… Surely a tank and two strange men will startle them, if not chase them all away.” Mechanic murmured to himself, not meaning for Commander or Panzer to hear. However, thanks to the small space, both of them did in fact hear it. “Bah! We’ll manage, somehow! We were cheered when we entered France! Surely this place can’t be different.” Commander sounded very sure of himself, and Panzer trilled solid agreement. Mechanic believed neither of them, not with what he knew of Earth’s Second World War. However, he did not voice his dissension, and thus, they rode on in silence, the only noise being Panzer’s very loud custom engine.
The silence was very suddenly and very loudly broken by Commander yelling, “A bar!” and Panzer quickly turning and driving at his full speed towards it. Commander took a flying leap out of Panzer, and Mechanic had to hurry to try and keep up with him. “Commander! Sir! We shouldn’t drink on the job! Sir!” Although Mechanic was used to benign ignored, this was certainly annoying. Soldiers, he sighed inwardly.
Snapping back to the present, he smiled slightly. That was certainly an interesting day, and it somehow didn’t go terribly, even with Commander’s… robust personality. Well, at least these agents didn’t have to worry about being out of place. Everyone in Offtopic was out of place. Mechanic laughed at his little joke and got up to follow Commander.