Hello! I have been placed under an account restriction for a third time, however, just as with the previous two account restrictions, there was no specific indication given as to WHY the account restriction was set in place. Is there ANY way to retrieve a diagnostics report stating WHAT the violation on my account was to help set me up for success to remain in good standing. Without any diagnostic data, how am I able to isolate and remove the mitigating factors that continue to place my account in violation? Am I expected to follow the account restrictions article and simply reset every single network point, since I am not a bot or mod user, and have never once utilized a cheat method in game. Any assistance you have would be incredibly helpful, as I would love to never encounter an account restriction again (and each time I encounter a restriction, it comes as a complete surprise to me). Thank you!!!
Does the game stop you from entering pvp?
Sure does. This is the third iteration of a PvP specific lockout ban, wherein I do not actually experience network drops consistently (now, I have to be honest, I do experience network drops when NOT hardwired intermittently, approximately 1-3 times per week, which could either be cache clear, game file integrity, actual hardware of the router in use, etc.) However, when hardwired, I do not experience network drops at all, and still have had account restrictions regardless. I have zero idea of what the actual mitigating factors are, nor what Bungie is using as qualifying data to define a "violation", because the home network violation count parameters (how many times we at Bungie are going to allow network drops before we restrict) are incredibly ill-defined, or not defined at all. Really unsure of what to do, because all I truly want is to not have this occur again and to remain in good standing.
Sounds like you have internet issues and have been restricted twice before. That means people in pvp have had issues playing against you and reported you and Bungie agreed that you do infact have internet issues. To resolve it could be as simple as a new router/modem. Or as extensive as getting new lines from outside in.