Just did an iron banner match where the opposing team was a 6 stack of network manipulators. Bungie has the reporting option, yet they do nothing about it. Time to ban entire accounts and mac addresses and device serial numbers. Come on bungie.
If you suspect any form of cheating illegal activities you are advised to report them. This can be done either by using the in-game reporting system or via your last played matches found on your profile page or by using the reporting systems found here [url=https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049497451-Report-Suspected-Cheating]Reporting Cheaters Form[/url]
I'll take a guess that it was a LFG made up from every continent . Not their fault it happens . Crossplay also hasn't helped connections. Take it on the chin and move on
And how do you know they manipulated the network?