Bungie should make all season pass activities (Battle Grounds, Override and Astral Alignment) free to all players on the last day.
Most of that is being removed anyways. Might as well let everyone enjoy it before it’s removed.
By the way. I'm talking about just the activity and only the activity. I'm not talking about the quest line, the gear or all that other stuff. You know how when the season first starts and Bungie lets you try it for free the first time and complete the first quest but then after that you have to buy the season pass to do the activity again and complete the second and so on quests. This would allow everyone to play the activity and only the activity. They would not be able to progress in the quest or gain access to gear exclusively to the season pass. I just wanted to mention that to clear up and confusion.
I’m not for or against but I’m curious why you think you should or why bungie would bother with this? It’s more work on their part for no gain.
Or buy the content and stop being a freeloader.
Nah, you should have purchased the season passes if you wanted access to that content. Like everyone else did.
Battlegrounds are being added to the updated Vanguard Ops playlist next season.
At the very end of the year no one is going to buy something they're only going to get a few days out of. Plus that's hardly anytime to get it all done. Bungie has already made their money's worth. Friday to Tuesday at they very end of the year would be a good time frame. What about the base game and Forsaken. I bought both of those and you don't see me complaining over the fact that Bungie made the base game free and Forsaken free for a couple months.
Why? We paid for the seasons so why should you get it for free? You want to play the activities they pay some money.