I purchased witch queen deluxe edition for ps5. In game it says I can’t play passed 2nd mission because I need to purchase witch queen. PlayStation couldn’t help because I already played Help please
You can try restoring your game licenses. https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049196071-Accessing-and-Restoring-Licenses-to-Destiny-Content However if this problem continues you will need to work with PlayStation customer support as they own and control your platform licenses.
Already did that they said I have to work with bungie as the game creator.
Bungie has no control over your console licenses.
So as a life long player I get to eat the money spent. That’s not right. D1 beta player. I have spent and played all these years. I don’t see how I’m going to be the one that has to just take it. Why would they point me to y’all then?
Sounds like Microsoft is just passing the buck rather than trying to help. As they control all licenses on that platform; including yours and your purchases they will be the only ones that can help.