[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/260803758?sort=0&page=0]>>NEWER THREAD HERE<<[/url]
[u][b]The Problem:[/b]
1. Bungie promises to support Windows 7 every time they take customers' money through Steam. (And also Win 8.1, which may be affected by the current outage.)
2. Bungie did not do [b]ANY[/b] Windows 7 testing prior to release, pushing out updates with "impossible to miss" game-breaking bugs. This serious process failure has now occurred [b]twice in a row[/b]:
2a. The game was unplayable for 24 solid days on Season of the Lost. (Missing DLL error on startup.)
2b. The game is currently unplayable for 28+ days after Witch Queen / Season of the Risen. (All GUIs blank and corrupted, even the title-screen.) This breakage has also caused customers to miss exclusive events such as the Day-1 raid.
3. This comes to 52 days out of 209, or a whopping >25% downtime for customers.
Even if the current issue is fixed tomorrow, Bungie has already mistreated its customers and burned years of accumulated trust. Customers need to see:
1. [u]Acknowledge[/u] that this level of release-quality and downtime is not acceptable.
2. [u]Promise[/u] to at least do the bare-minimum "smoke test" of future major builds on a Windows 7 machine prior to release.
3. If Bungie will not do #1 and #2, then cease this false-advertising and strike Windows 7 from the supported OS listing on Steam, offering [u]refunds [/u]to affected customers.
They really can't just strike the Steam supported systems like that midstream. The game was sold not just for release but also all Seasons this content year, Bungie is stuck with Win7 for at least that long - through next major expansion at minimum. I agree that at minimum I want to see a pledge from Bungie to do a smoke test on Win7 prior to shipping further updates.