Hi. Recently unlinked and linked my accounts per the instructions on the prime gaming destiny 2 page to ensure I got my rewards. Then I claimed them, thinking everything looks good. Prime Gaming shows the claim as successful, and that the link to my bungie account is active. However, Bungie's Partner Rewards History page is not showing any new entries. I've checked every account (twitch, bungie, amazon) involved to ensure the links are still active, and to my knowledge, it does not appear there's any issue. Yet despite claiming yesterday, Amanda still has nothing for me, and I can't claim them again from the Prime Gaming page. What should I do?
your not the only one ive been dealing with this for the 2nd time back from december and now this hard light pack. others are mad and pissed about this and bungie isnt doing a thing about it. ive gotten no reply what so ever.