Help, I can't get the Grasp of Avarice theme out of my head and Now I want some Cheesy Pirate Armor ornaments lol
Edited by Vox Aphotix: 3/30/2022 8:09:57 PMWarlocks get pirate armor (trench coat) Hunters get cowboy (with a poncho type cloak) Titans can become medieval Knights
Heck yeah man
Warlocks would get the best look, look'n like a captain while hunters and titans fill in whatever spots left.
Wow yea that's what the game needs. Would see as much usage as the cringe dino armor set we got after every content creator asked for it and literally noone ever uses em, i'm sure. smh.
I just want a wooden leg from the knee down.
GoA having thorn themed armor made no sense to me. Fallen pirate theme would have been way better
Edited by Darth Lunchbox: 3/30/2022 6:01:56 PMParrot ghost on my shoulder just asking to get sniped. I like it. What's a pirates favorite letter in the alphabet? [spoiler]You thought R didn't you, but it's the C...I'll see myself out.[/spoiler]
Pirates nowadays wear suits. Some wear turtle necks. They fight over intellectual properties and touch screen designs. I wonder if you could figure that out.
Give Titans the captain outfit. Give the Warlocks a dress with seashells necklace or something lame, because they never get nice things. Give Hunters the baggy trousers with a red sash belt, with white baggy shirt and a red bandana as a hat.
Ye be lookin' fer some pirate arrrmor?
But, I don't want to be the pirate.
Next season is pirate themed so there you go
Shiver me Timbers.
A straw hat on your helmet or in the tower
I want actual Hive armor but alas no avail. Bump for your cause!
That sounds cool, actually...
I could see pirate ornaments for a future festival of the lost. That’s when they usually do wacky stuff
Wasn't Mara supposed to be a space pirate originally? Would be awesome to get pirate gear