So I just grinded out 15 levels of a crafted raid smg, have done 15+ clears of VOTD over 4-5 weeks to get all the needed materials and crafted an smg with enhanced subsistence and enhanced demolitionist.
BOTH of these perks are no better than their non enhanced counterparts.
Subsistence gives only 7 bullets back, the same as a Funnel Web, and demolitionist requires 8 kills for a full recharge.
Time and effort wasted.
That's why I read the descriptions carefully, and opted out of crafting. I have a few crafted guns, but all I'm doing now is getting 3 of the better ones all at equal stats to put on each character, and finish out the exotic glaives. Once that's done, no more crafting. It's entirely pointless when you get random drops that are already as good as what you can make them.