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"Why have I been suspended from trials if I am just lagging out of the game?" "I have had bad internet for a while now and I lag out sometimes." 🤔. Sorry I couldn't say what the issue is.
only way is to fix you dam internet. I hate when i see someone lagging or get partnered up with a laggy player. Like you know u have sucky internet and why make it bad for everyone.
Because either way (lagging out or purposely leaving), you are putting the remaining teammates at a disadvantage. Thus, the need to punishment if it happens too often.
Suspended or restricted?
Swat The Bot
Over $777 donated to Bungie Foundation - old
Hey, To ensure a smooth experience for all players, Bungie may restrict your account if you're constantly disconnecting from matches. For full information regarding, bans, suspensions and restrictions, please see the [url=]Destiny Account Restrictions and Banning Policies[/url]. Please note: The forums [b][u]cannot[/b][/u] be used to appeal a ban, suspension or restriction. The only place to do that is [url=]here.[/url]