I just got Blight Ranger (exotic hunter helm) and cannot equip. A red banner appears on the bottom of my screen stating "This item is not currently available. Please visit bungie.net/help for more information." when trying to equip it. I can confirm I was not wearing any other exotic and tested pulling it from collections. I can pull it from collections, but still cannot equip. Any ideas?
Skill issue.
Edited by Swat The Bot: 4/28/2022 9:50:14 PMHi, Mr. Green Due to an issue with the Blight Ranger Exotic Helm, Bungie has disabled it until they can apply a fix. You will not be able to wear it until they do. You can keep it in your vault for later if you wish. Follow Bungie's official support channels for updates. [url=http://twitter.com/BungieHelp]@BungieHelp Twitter[/url] [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Support]Bungie Support center.[/url]